"Look At Me"

"Look At Me"
monotype and screenprint

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Happy Birthday!!

Happy late birthday to two of our kids in the project!  Brook turned 14 and Lilia turned 3!

I finished Part 1 of Alec.  This is going to be a slightly different piece.  I'm excited, but nervous!  I've never done anything like this piece before--I'm trying something new.  It will be a two-part piece--one part will be Alec's portrait and the other part will be an ocean scene of him running on the sand.  Alec loves the water.  :)  I'm anxious to see what it will turn out like.
"Alec:  Ocean (Part 1)"

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Les Femmes Folles article, new kids, artwork by the kiddos

The article about me in Les Femmes Folles is up! :)

Also, there are a few new kids in the project--check out their pictures.  :)

Here is a watercolor by Aiden Hysell, a pastel drawing by Joey Madere and below it is a new watercolor by Derek.   
Watercolor by Aiden Hysell

Pastel drawing by Joey Madere
watercolor by Derek Hanson

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The "aha moment"

My "aha moment" was posted online yesterday.  I'm not sure how I feel about it.  I watched it and of course thought of a billion things I could have said more eloquently.  But I can't change it now.  So, here it is.  Be nice--I'm better at expressing myself through art than I am at putting my thoughts into words!  :)


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I have a facebook page!!!!

I finally created a facebook page for the project.  "Like" Autism Art Project for me!  I'd really appreciate it!  I'm just trying to get the word out about the project any way that I can... :)  I figure as often as everyone is on fb now, it will be easier to keep people up to date on what is going on.  Not everyone follows the blog...now if only I can figure out how to add a "like" buttton to the blog that connects back to fb...

Monday, September 5, 2011

"Joey: Turtle"

I finished my piece about Joey yesterday.  I spent the entire weekend sewing.  My family went to the lake; I stayed home sick.  It worked out ok though.  I'd finished the printing portion, so I watched a bunch of movies, cut out turtles, and sewed the rest of my piece together.  I'm not sure the rest of the world will understand why there are turtles crawling around the border of the piece, but I don't care.  Joey's mom said he's a slow-poke and that she's always telling him to hurry up.  He was the last one born, and he has also has a huge turtle collection from his father.  So the turtles fit perfectly.  :)  His mom started home-schooling him this year--I give her major props for that.  I'm not sure I'd have the patience to do that with Derek.  This print was a little difficult--I had some problems getting the landscape to look the way I wanted it to.  But I think I got it in the end.  I love the sunlight on his hat.  And the look on his face.  Another beautiful kid.  :)