"You Say it Best, When You Say Nothing At All..."
Derek's eyes freak me out a little. They are identical to mine. It's almost as if everything I've been through in my life, he's been through too. When he looks at me, and I mean REALLY looks at me (like in this picture) it makes my heart melt. He says so much with his eyes...who needs words when you have eyes that say everything???? |
Derek and Tyler at Lake McConaughy |
Tyler eating breakfast...he looks like his father. :) |
We just got back from a week at the lake. We didn't quite "Rough It." We had a Lake House to stay in...otherwise I'm not sure I would have survived. I like showers. :) The boys did pretty well. Tyler had a BLAST. He discovered how much fun it was to jump off the dock into the water, jet-ski, roast marshmallows, look for snakes (yes, snakes), and play in the sand. Derek...well, Derek was Derek. He did well, considering it was his first time spending more than a weekend there. He wasn't overly fond of the 100+ temperatures. He swam for a little while every day, but definitely didn't want to spend all day in the water. He wasn't into lake food, so he survived on dry cereal, juice, and chips. Uggghh. He also didn't like having to wear a lifejacket. Too bad, son. On the plus side, he learned two new words. "Shoe" and "Ski." He said "shoe" (he pronounce it "sue") when he wanted me to take his sandals off and he pointed and said "ski" when he saw someone on a jet-ski. :) Yay for new words!!!!!
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